Sea of Fools Wiki


Helios is a bounty hunter known throughout the First Half of Paradise as The Black Sun. Despite being only 16 years old he strikes fear into well known pirates and marines alike.


Helios is a young teenage boy with pale skin, black spiky hair, and Ruby red eyes. He wears a long sleeved lack shirt under a metal chest plate along with a maroon scarf. He also wears baggy black pants tucked into metal boots. He carries around a large sword along with several metal capsules and carrying cases.


Helios is a part time sadist. He sometimes torments his opponents mentally, causing them to break down and lose control of their actions. The rest of the time he's quite the caring man but refuses to show his emotions. He doesn't allow anything to faze him.


Helios is an amazing swordsman. He goes up against well known swordsman and will overpower them. His physical abilities are far from human considering that he swims island to island and nearly decimates the area he's fighting in. During his travels he has learns several techniques such as two forms of Haki, several different sword fighting styles, mastery of range weapons, and advanced technology.
