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Aku Aku no Mi

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Japanese Name: Aku Aku no Mi
English Name: Arc Arc Fruit
Meaning: Time


Power: Time control over objects

Eaten By: Jun

universe: One Piece: Forever Dawn

Story / Creator: Maxr7


The Aku Aku no Mi also known as the Arc Arc Fruit in english is a paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to control an objects time either rewinding it or fast forwarding it or stopping it completely. This fruit also allows the user to summon time duplicates of an object and to levitate said object(s). It was eaten by Jun.


Jun uses the fruits powers to control an objects flow of time to fight her opponent. She can also levitate the object that she is controlling by surrounding it with tachyons. She herself noted that while an object has only one past it has multiple futures. Therefore she can send an object into any one of those futures at will which can be useful for combat purposes. That is because an objects future can range from the state its in to the place it is physically in. In addition while an object has only one past Jun can summon that objects past "selves" from different time periods thus instantly making copies of that object. With all of this Jun can multiply an object and send it crashing into an opponent. Or she can control the flow of time for an opponents weapon and cause it to disintegrate thus using her powers for defensive purposes. If an object is broken or destroyed she can send the object into its past to in a sense repair it from being broken.


The major strength of this fruit is that the user can fully control an objects flow of time. The user can also use this fruit to turn any object into a projectile weapon to be used against their opponent. The user can also in a sense create multiple copies of any object and instantly repair any object easily. Another strength of this fruit is that the user can send an object into any one of its possible futures.


The user suffers from standard devil fruit weaknesses. In addition while the user can control the time of an object, she cannot control the time of living things.


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